With the cold weather fast approaching, the Beaver Island EMS team would like to recognize the Island Treasures Resale Shop for their donation that allowed Beaver Island EMS to purchase two hypothermia bags. These bags are used to keep patients warm in extreme temperatures. During the dead of winter, keeping patients warm is critical especially during trauma incidents. These bags are cost effective with a cleanable, reusable fabric with the ability to keep patients at a comfortable temperature in the aircraft with many more winters to come.Your dedication and devotion to the island, its people, and community servants is beyond superior. Thank you for your time and generosity!
Beaver Island EMS thanks the following Island Resale Shop volunteers: Donna Stambaugh, Karon Wojan, Marge Boyle, Donna Kubic, Kathy Speck, Marijean Pike, Nancy Tritsch, Tina Morgan, Donna Fase, Darlene Dooley, Sally Stebbins, Betty Scoggin, Dena Martin, Patty Meuller, Janee Boyles, Sara Rohner, Candy Conant, Lu O’Connor, Loretta Slater, Sarch Haveman, Cindy Ricksgers, Lisa Gillespie, Ann Stanhope, Karen Hershey, Sally Lounsterry, Sheri Timsak, Ellen K. And any others who may not be listed.